25.BurcakovyMoto Guzzi party
13. - 15. 09. 2024
Hard Walk
Talk and Dance
Home Sweet Home
Neighbourhood points of interest
Club base
The oldest Czechia Moto Guzzi club!
Cesky Moto Guzzi Club is fully registerd in Moto Guzzi manufacturer in Mandello del Lario.
Anno Domini 2003.
The club members call themselves Grazzl.
Johann Georg Grasel (4 April 1790 – 31 January 1818) was a Czech robber and murderer.
Both his father and his mother ending up in prison. Young Johann was forced to robber to survive. Grasel became leader of several groups of robbers in south Moravia and northern Austria. He escaped from prison several times. In 1815 he and his group of 66 were toke in to custody. Sixty thousand people watched when he and his two friends were hanged in Vienna; when.
Grasel saw the crowds a he uttered his last words: "Jesus, so many people?!"
His name is used in Czech as a common term for a rascal or villain until this day.
Attention, grazzl live style can cause dependency!
Dependency is a condition where someone's live is influeced by some circumstance or situation that he needs (or think he needs) to survive. For example ride.
About us
C.M.G.C club unites MOTO GUZZI motorcycle riders (membro del club), which are interested in riding MOTO GUZZI around the Czechia and abroad.
The company MOTO GUZZI located in Mandello del Lario in Italy, close to the lake Como, holds it as officially registered. <strong>The club was found in July of 10th 2003.
The club throw a Moto Guzzi party called “Burcakovy sraz”.
The club leadership is based on enlightened despotism. The founder D.U.C.E. (means Lifelong Placed Cesare Empiratore or Capo di tutti capi), enforced this model. He was convinced that it was only way to bring common good for every club member. And members like it, because they see, that it is the easier way to change mind of just one person - leader.
Nowadays, the club leads Woman Chief (Capo donna). She works for the club all her life, and it proofs her to become the best leader ever. Woman Chief is followed by club members called “Proposers” (relatore per parere), which help her in this hard lot. Woman Chief leads the club in accordance with reason and common good. She takes care about members welfare and keeps rules especially in case, it is against the members opinion. Woman Chief senses herself as just first club servant and nothing more (primo servitore del club).
Czech Moto Guzzi Club was found in the year 2003 in the city Beroun.
It was established by four friends: Jan Central Goat Prucha, Alan Diretor Kieslinger, Jiri Hypothalamus Prochazka and D.U.C.E. (means Lifelong Placed Cesare Empiratore). Nobody know why it happened in Beroun city, but what is the most important, what was the reason of it.
The club was found during the 10th anniversary of periodical Moto Guzzi motorcycle owners meetings in Czechoslovakia. The number of Moto Guzzi motorcycle models actually reached 250 pieces in the mid of 1990s.
The club was based on the idea, less members, more action. It brings to life a lot of legendary feat, such as club calendars or high level of club event arrangement. A lot of voiceless artifacts testify the uniqueness past events.
Strategic cut to the club membership has been done in the year 2011 during the event 90th anniversary of the facility in Mandello. The rest of members stoped to present its membership with steal plaque with club logo and number. The club has hibernated for a while from July of 30th 2011. Nowadays club become active again.
Howgh D.U.C.E. - the founder